Wednesday, August 31, 2011

California State Assembly Vote Will Kill Jobs

Sacramento, CA – Gregory Canyon Landfill spokesperson Nancy Chase issued the following statement Wednesday regarding the California State Assembly’s passage of SB 833 by Sen. Juan Vargas (D-San Diego).

“California State lawmakers publicly claim to support job creation and routinely issue statements touting the need for new jobs --yet they continue to cast disturbing votes that do just the opposite.

Today the Assembly passed another job killing measure, SB 833 by Sen. Juan Vargas, (D-San Diego), which attempts to block a much needed construction project that would bring hundreds of high paying jobs to San Diego County.  

The Assembly’s passage of SB 833 sends an alarming message to more than two-million unemployed Californians who are counting on lawmakers to help create jobs, not destroy them. Today’s vote shows that even in this fragile economy, the California State Assembly considers big money special interests more important than struggling working families.

SB 833 is now on its way to Governor Brown’s desk. We hope he will protect California jobs and veto this unnecessary special interest legislation.”  

--Nancy Chase, Gregory Canyon Landfill spokesperson

Gregory Canyon will be one of the most environmentally protected landfills in the country, establishing a new era for technologically advanced waste management facilities.  After nearly 20 years of development, the project has received two overwhelming public votes of support in two separate countywide elections. It has received permit approval from the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health and CalRecycle.

Legislation similar to SB 833 was vetoed by Governor Gray Davis in 2000. Governor Davis vetoed AB 2752,
saying he was “loath to overturn a vote of the electorate and the decision of two courts of law.” 
Read his full message here.
The Gregory Canyon Landfill is located along SR76, 3 ½ miles east of Interstate 15.  The state-of-the-art project will incorporate an unprecedented double-liner system with five containment layers, which will ensure protection of groundwater and surface water.  The 1,770-acre project also includes at least 1,461 acres of permanently preserved habitat, an on-site habitat creation and enhancement area of 212 acres, and about 350 acres of off-site permanently preserved habitat.

North San Diego County has not had a landfill since the closure of the San Marcos Landfill in the late 1990’s.  A local site serving north San Diego County is expected to reduce traffic impacts throughout the County by up to one million vehicle miles each year.  In addition to economic savings to consumers through increased competition and lower transportation costs, the project will help reduce traffic congestion and energy consumption.


Friday, August 5, 2011

San Diego County Department of Environmental Health issues Solid Waste Facility Permit to Gregory Canyon Landfill

View the Decision Document here: Solid Waste Facility Permit

Oceanside City Councilmember Gary Felien: Oceanside stands against special interest

North County Times Forum
By: Oceanside City Councilmember Gary Felien
August 2, 2011

At our last meeting, three members of the Oceanside City Council took a stand against powerful special interests and stood up to protect the will of the people.

On July 6, the Oceanside City Council voted 3-2 to oppose SB 833 by Sen. Juan Vargas (D-San Diego), taking an official stand against unnecessary and dangerous legislation that attempts to overrule the will of Oceanside and San Diego County voters.

SB 833 is a blatant attempt by Sacramento politicians to intrude in local affairs, by stepping in at the last minute to block an approved landfill project that Oceanside and San Diego County voters supported overwhelmingly at the polls in two separate landslide elections.

SB 833 targets the Gregory Canyon Landfill, which is one of the most exhaustively studied and thoroughly researched projects of its kind. After 17 years of detailed planning and scientific review, this state-of-the-art facility has received multiple permits from some of the strictest environmental regulators in the nation. After studying the facts, scientific experts determined that Gregory Canyon presents no threat to local waterways or the underground aquifer and could in fact set new national standards when it becomes one of the most environmentally protected landfills in the country.

The facts, science and data support Gregory Canyon, which is why project opponents are now circumventing the legal approval process and resorting to dirty politics to try to block it.

SB 833 is a dangerous, job-killing bill that sets a chilling precedent. It sends a message to businesses across the country that in California, companies are punished for playing by the rules and project approval depends on pay-to-play politicians.

The Gregory Canyon Landfill should be approved or denied based on its merits, not special-interest politics. As local elected officials, we shouldn't allow out-of-town politicians to bully local voters, community leaders and elected representatives who have overwhelmingly supported this project on multiple occasions.

I'm proud to be part of a City Council that took a stand against special-interest politics and stood up for what is right. I'm now hoping the state Legislature will do the same.

 Gary Felien is a member of the Oceanside City Council.